De-clutter your DIET this De-cember


December is all about consumerism and buying more STUFF. The Buddhists say that stuff ends up owning YOU, and not the other way around. They’re right, but we’re keeping our handbag collection. When it comes to your nutrition / supplements regimen – they’re probably also right. We like to keep it SIMPLE. The less fuss, the better you FEED YOUR ESSENCE. A good acronym to recall? K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple, Silly! Let’s clean out your nutrition realm this December so you have enough mental (and physical stomach) room for the things you NEED!

What you DON’T need (DE-CLUTTER!)

Multivitamins – these mostly give you expensive pee; because the water-soluble vitamins in there are flushed if you don’t need them, and MOST people don’t. Of course, those who are pregnant, lactating, or have some other deficiency / condition need vitamins, and THIS is why you should consult a registered dietitian about supplements!

Protein Powders – again, largely unnecessary for *most* people. Athletes, the underweight, and the elderly as exceptions, many protein powders are adulterated with some funky chemicals (although some are perfectly fine!) but you are probably better off using some kefir or greek yogurt in your smoothie instead.

Granolas – SUGAR. ALERT. Mostly tossed and coated in all sorts of sweeteners and garnished with WAY too much dried fruit.

Expensive chia puddings / overnight oats – Wait, you’re paying SEVEN dollars for something you could make yourself? Homie. Be real. It’s still instagrammable if you make it in your own kitchen!

Juices – Expensive sugar infusions? Nah. If it’s straight up veggies, that’s fine, but fruit infusions are just a one-way road to insulin resistance.

Nut and seed bars – Nuts are great. Seeds are great. But to stick together – they need SUGAR. Bars are largely sugar (but some are not! Ask us!) and marketing; plus a hefty little fee you pay for pretty packaging and labor.

What you DO need:

Probiotics – So, not EVERYONE *needs* a pill supplement, but we could ALL do well to consume fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and low-sugar kombucha (which DOES have alcohol – so it’s NOT for kids or certain populations!) which contain natural sources of probiotics to balance out your microbiome and enhance immunity. We’ll determine if you need a supplement, and if so, which strain, how much, and which brand!

Vitamin D – most of us are deficient; and this is crucial for warding off winter colds and revitalizing your bones! If you’re magnesium deficient, supplementation is virtually useless, so by all means, see your primary care physician and get BOTH tested; then let us know and we’ll set you up with HIGH quality supplements!

Fresh fruit + veggies – part of keeping it simple = plucking fresh fruit and vegetables from your garden, farmer’s market, or organic grocer. Nature intended no frills here; but of course, you’ll need to dress your veggies with a fat to release their fat-soluble vitamins (olive oil, guacamole, hummus, tahini, and other CLEAN fats)

Fatty fish – The omega-3 fatty acids in fatty, small fish are ESSENTIAL (see what we did there?) to brain health, immunity, and lipid profiles. Focus on salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, herring, and cod. Wild-caught, of course! Catch and release your high mercury culprits like swordfish, wahoo, tilefish, and bluefin tuna.

Nuts and seeds – Ah, keeping it simple with a handful of unsalted macadamia nuts / pumpkin seeds. Nature’s finest. No frills, no syrups, and if you want to spice it up; roll them in olive oil + cayenne / cinnamon for an anti-inflammatory kick.

Essentially Yours,
The Essence Dietitian Team