Things Everyone THINKS They Know About Nutrition


Extremely maniacal monica face when people assume they already know *~everything~* about nutrition and what we eat / do all day … (ok ok you prob do know I really love kefir and cheese.)

You know nuthing, Jon Snow.

Did you know that humans are omnivores?

Did you know that honey is as effective as some cough syrups for pesky nighttime cough?

Did you know that watermelon / celery / beet can help fuel a workout?

Did you know that eating dairy + iron meats together can decrease absorption of the iron?

Did you know that eating fermented foods DAILY is preferable to taking a probiotic pill?

Did you know that cheese is NOT BAD FOR YOU???

Do you know ANYTHING about FODMAPS or why I can eat an abundance of cheese but not drink a milkshake?

We did! We also think nearly everyone has some form of IBS / a broken relationship with food so, please, allow us to fix you. 🙈

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