New Year, MINDFUL Resolutions


We purposely held this post until AFTER the January resolution glitter faded; because here are some REAL resolutions you can sink your teeth into, since by now, hopefully, you’ve realized that resolving to “lose weight” or “give up carbs” was a farce.

1. Release the pressure on yourself like the instant release button on our new InstaPot. Do NOT fall into the vicious cycle of “THIS is the year I ‘get healthy and lose weight’” – all diet culture and weight loss fanfare in January is preying on you and you’re liable to set lofty goals that will never materialize, and you’ll feel defeated and disappointed in yourself. Be REALISTIC. Set small, achievable, timely, specific health goals. Things like “I’m going to eat 2 fruits per day for the month of January” and then creating an action plan for that (“I’m going to Instacart in 14 fruits every Sunday at 5 PM”) will feel much more empowering than “I’m going to lose 30 pounds by March.”

2. Stop the social media envy. Everywhere on social media – you’ll find people’s portrayal of their fantastic farcical lives (and abs). You don’t see the perfect couple’s fights, the chiseled abs’ disordered eating background, or the sickness and mundane aspects of the model’s ACTUAL afternoon when she’s not sniffing the air on a rooftop wearing nothing but an off the shoulder sweater tunic. Social media creates unrealistic and sad “realities” for what your body should look like and do. Create your OWN reality. Focus on YOUR strengths and successes. Mute any account that makes you feel anything but amused or inspired. In fact, consider getting off social media entirely for a certain amount of time.

3. Fill yourself – literally. In a world of vegan cupcakes, it’s easy to fall prey to the “health halo” of many plant-based imagery. We see so many clients struggle with managing their hunger and weight on plant-based diets, and while we are all about eating lots of plants; we recognize the nutritional necessity of eating some well-raised animals as well. If you are eating adequate protein, fat, fiber, and satiating complex starches; along with some foods that mentally satisfy you- you’ll feel content, full, and less likely to graze all day / suffer from hunger.

4. Get in touch with your TRUE hunger. You’re under a constant barrage of what / when to eat; often from ungamely and unqualified sources. Registered dietitians know that Intuitive Eating is the only true philosophy for weight normalization and learning to honor hunger and fullness. It’s a book, but also an intense philosophy to learn and can take months (or years) to master; but many RDs will tell you that it changed / saved their lives (I will!) If you find yourself constantly dieting, if there are foods you would never allow yourself to have, if you are constantly hungry, or constantly dissatisfied with meals – it’s time to look into Intuitive Eating.

5. Stick to science. Every three seconds- you’ll see a digital ad or hear a friend / colleague dish about a new product, a new diet, or a new herb that will cure everything from athlete’s foot to cancer. Dietitians brush off these snake oil lies like we brush dust off a keyboard. These claims and products are largely marketing. We always consult literature, other experts, and our own clinical experience before we recommend a dietary intervention or even a specific food product. We love the idea of eating / moving closer to the likes of generations past; very many plants, some well-raised animal products, extremely few processed foods, and a LOT of movement / walking.

Essentially Yours,
The Essence RD Team The Essence RD Team