An Ode to Carbs


JOY TO THE WORLDDDD. Here’s an ode to carbs (and therefore, an ode to joy, because carbs = JOY, for us!)

Carbohydrates have a chemical definition (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen) and also a biochemical definition (starch, sugar, cellulose). Nutritionally, they are sugars, grains, starches, and fibers.

Carbohydrates keep getting more and more marginalized. Sigh. They are a MAJOR macronutrient and thus should actually make up the MAJORITY of your food intake. Also –  things to remember:

  1. Foods ARE not carbohydrates. Foods CONTAIN carbohydrates.
  2. Vegetables contain carbohydrates.
  3. So do cheese / dairy.
  4. If you restrict carbohydrates (or restrict ANY food / food group) this is a form of dieting behavior and you WILL feel deprived, eventually rebound/binge, and be susceptible to cravings and obsessive thoughts about food.
  5. Yes, there are foods that have refined carbohydrates and those that contain complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates contain more fiber and more nutrients per weight (nutrient-density).  We like them. We also like refined foods that have carbohydrates. We are equal opportunist carb eaters.
  6. Eating carbohydrates within the context of a meal that has protein/fat will dampen down any “insulinemic” effects significantly. (So for heaven’s sake, put some grass-fed butter, olive oil, bruschetta, or olive tapenade on your bread.)
  7. ONLY eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates out of fear of the “insulin” or “inflammatory” properties of refined carbohydrates is a form of diet behavior.
  8. With exceptions made on an individualized basis for clients with poorly controlled diabetes or autoimmune diseases, yes, we encourage you to dabble with foods that contain refined carbohydrates (though again, not at the expense of the complex ones, because you do need fiber, but IN ADDITION to!)
  9. While sometimes you just need a bowl of pasta (or any other “carby” meal component), we do recommend adding veggies / proteins / fat to the pasta to make it more satisfying / nutritionally balanced.
  10. Foods containing refined carbohydrates are actually part of medical nutrition therapy — especially for our clients with GI issues. NOTHING feels as good on a sour tummy as plain white rice.
  11. Carbohydrate intake is correlated with levels of neurotransmitters – and THOSE can greatly dictate your mood, energy, digestion, and cravings. Restricting carbs = restricting happy hormones = your mood will suffer.
  12. Foods with carbohydrate are particularly useful in promoting sleep; likely by signaling tryptophan and serotonin levels consistent with sleep. Your brain prefers carbohydrates (rather, what we make out of it, glucose) for fuel for our nervous systems and muscles, but can also run on fatty acid byproducts (ketosis, as a FORM OF STARVATION)
    But physiologically it is preferred for it to run on carbohydrate.

So. We’ll be over here loading up on ALL sorts of foods with ALL sorts of carbohydrates. Sometimes beans, sometimes sourdough bread (it’s the tastiest, if you ask us), sometimes cake, sometimes ice cream, sometimes fruits.. And over ALL times – ALL the carbohydrates.

Essentially Yours,
The Essence RD TeamThe Essence RD Team