Your Perfect Snack Comes to FRUITion


Food, like us in 2020, somehow became all dressed up with no place to go.

Cauliflower became rice. Zucchini became pasta. As the Botero meme clucked, “Y tho…?” Why can’t food be simple? Take fruit. It’s nature’s candy. It’s ripe (literally) with nutrients — namely — phytonutrients, nutrients unique to plant foods that confer numerous and incredible health benefits unto humans, it maintains voluptuous shape from different plant-based fibers which nourish our living microorganism communities within us (the “microbiome”) and keep our bowels in healthy motility, and they’re mostly water, so they’re hydrating, in an age where we somehow “forget” to take a sip of water all day as we chug away in front of our screens. Somehow we’ve chosen doctored up foods over the sublime perfection of fruit. JUST. FRUIT – that’s ready when you are. 

I get it. There’s work to be done. Sitting is the new mode of work, unfortunately. American culture prizes efficiency and pummeling ourselves into a (fruit?) pulp by logging long hours spent in cars, trains, planes, automobiles, and at desks, working, so we may one day enjoy some fruits of our labors and get some PTO. It’s untenable in time and function to pack a bowl of fruit in your bag. Even bananas, the famed “portable” fruit, seem to always find their way to settle on the bottom and, like a slug, leave a trail of squished banana slime on the bottom of a purse lined with suede. Pears bleed juicy pulpy tears. Even my darling clementines aren’t sturdy. They bruise when jostled amongst their neighboring briefcase computers and lip balms and lose their sweet scent and flavor. What’s a working woman to do when she JUST wants some no-fuss fruit as a work / play / car / mom snack?

She can have… Just Fruit By Wyman’s.  A nifty little frozen cup of happy. Perfectly portioned and plucked from a vine / tree and rolled into a bowl for you to use as a fueling snack / part of a breakfast (we’d recommend a nice shower of toppers and mix-ins  — but the berries do burst with flavor on their own like a perpetual party in a cup, even working from home). Not that you’d want to work *not* from home anymore, anyways. If you are indeed summoned to work — you can grab your Just Fruitand eat quickly for a nourishing nosh before heading out the door, faster than you can say “Greek yogurt pearls.” Wyman’s utilizes a freezing technique that brings together pellets of Greek Yogurt or Banana Puree that gets mixed with their whole and diced fruit to make eating fruit more fun, delicious, and convenient. 

Try your Just Fruit swirled into a Greek yogurt parfait with nut butter or seed butter and cinnamon; baked into a crisp with ghee, oats, and some maple syrup in the oven, folded into smoothies, or add coconut chips to make it tropical fashion. Or…enjoy it JUST…as is. Bite and smile. 

To find Just Fruit products near you, visit Wyman’s Store Locator: and follow them @wymansfruit on Instagram, @WymansofMaine on Facebook, and @WymansofMaine on Pinterest. 

We thank Wyman’s Fruit for sponsoring this post!