Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Nutrition & Hair Loss


Hair today, gone tomorrow? I’m noticing some post partum hair loss, but I’m not reaching for a 💊.

In the case of severely malnourished individuals – yep! We see diet causing hair loss. We rarely see this in the “general population.” Hair loss often can be a side effect of certain medications (like fertility medications), chemotherapy, and cessation of breastfeeding/simply being a postpartum 🦋 . Nutrient deficiencies like biotin, iron, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and macronutrient-poor intake (aka carbs/fat/protein) can also cause hair loss. It is common in eating disorders/simply not nourishing yourself appropriately. Alopecia and other dermatological or autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss. So can plain ‘ol stress. Or compulsive hair pulling. Or a baby Moreno who has a hand like a Botero painting yanking my hair out all day while nursing. 🖐

Don’t go running to supplements for hair loss. #THRILLZNOTPILLZ. 1) they don’t work, unless it’s finasteride and that’s RX only [not a supplement!] and is the decision of your MD and you to make to determine if it’s appropriate for you and 2) stop taking biotin for hair loss‼️‼️ – it messes with your blood lab values and you just pee it out. 

Want shiny, lustrous hair? Get some new ancestors (largely hair quality/type is genetic), a kickass dermatologist and hairstylist, the right hair products for you, and ensure your overall eating intake pattern is sufficient, appropriate, and joyful (need help? VIRTUAL VISIT COMIN’ AT YA! 👩🏻‍💻) Book via Pants are optional.