Let Your Toddler Play with Fake Fast Food Toys


Confession: at first glance, the box of fast food toys made me wince. Did I really want my 2 year-old “exposed” to… gasp… play versions of …..FAST FOOD ??

YES – I – DO ‼️ Neutralizing foods, even in plastic play and slightly creepy form (mustard in a tube?) is a perfect avenue to confronting my own food fears and bias I may still harbor from many moons ago.

Children don’t, and shouldn’t, know “good” foods from “bad” foods. These are moralizing terms we should apply to fashion choices, not foods.

Eventually, your child will be served fast food. At a friend’s house. At a party. At an airport. On the road to college. Do you want them to spiral into a panic about fries?

Children SHOULD be exposed to ALL foods at some point — even fast food.

Although I think we can all agree — ‘90s Mcdonald’s foods tasted SO MUCH BETTER? Honk if you agree….