“No Days Off” Is the Exercise Anthem of Those About to be on the Injured List

Professional athletes know that rest & recovery IS elite performance 💪🏻

TAKE A BREAK (run away with us for the summer let’s go upstate – Hamilton homage– ) and a day off if:

• you’re injured: sore muscles = not efficient and prone to more injury!
• you’re not in a mental space for your movement
• you’re only moving to compensate for a food behavior (book a session with us.)
• you have a social engagement. Skipping social events for workouts = disordered
• you need the sleep more for your health than the movement (NEW MOMS!!!)
• you’re sick (also, keep your germs at home you filthy animal)
 you just don’t FEEL LIKE IT TODAY!

Deconditioning happens fast, but TRUST ME, as someone who was cooped up like a bat in my bed nauseous and miserable for 10 weeks during my pregnancy and couldn’t lift a toe let alone a Pilates ball, I came back even stronger when I was FIT and ABLE to move again. Don’t push yourself.

Work you do under duress and stress is not good work.