What To Feed Your Kid When They Have Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease


The infamous rogue Botero painting hand has become more medieval Plague art genre versus his usual Botero contemporary art with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Fall 2021…

  • it’s SUPER common in kids, especially those pursuing scholarly efforts at Colegio (school)
  • it’s SUPER contagious and Florida, as usual, exploded in an epidemic in Fall 2021
  • it can lead to loss of appetite and a preference for soothing, blander, cooler foods due to the presence of mouth sores

So – this week on the menu, that 22.5 month old “bioterrorist” as my best friend deemed him, was eating:

  • Plain skinned baked sweet potato
  • Kefir, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese
  • Popsicles, although he hasn’t quite mastered sucking them and not just Pac Man biting them 🧊
  • Fruits (non citrus ones)
  • Plain bean pasta (Banza) with olive oil
  • Plain tofu with olive oil
  • Tuna mashed with yogurt / labneh
  • Waffles, pancakes, oatmeal
  • Almond butter and sunflower seed butter
  • Cheerios and milk
  • his perpetual obsession, “nanos” [bananas] which he chain smokes (eats) all day (I cut them in half so he winds up eating 1.5-2 whole ones per day)
  • Broth
  • Ezekiel bread and crackers (Wasa wet with some water)
  • He isn’t super into water but is super into stealing my mint tea / Spin Drift and I’ll keep him hydrated no matter what
  • Annie’s pizza bagels (yep. Dietitians will keep their kids fed and happy through illness)

Also on the menu: one mom doubling as an octopus juggling 600 things this week, and slathered in colloidal oatmeal cream / Dessitin. Grateful he is okay and just now slightly bothered by his “cola” (tush) he keeps pointing to.