Sporting Event Snack Hacks


Whenever we’re at a ballpark/stadium, as a spectator above or specter below (Monica works with major league baseball athletes), we pretty much always smuggle in snacks like  purse-friendly fruits, nuts, and lil’ pumpkin spice almond flour muffins we excavated from the depths of our freezer from Fall (they’re fine. Right? Hello, Food Science Professor, can you confirm?) We never like to be caught hungry (#ssssttrrrriiikkeee) and we also loathe waiting in line at the food vendors  Plus when we told one of our father in laws we were planning on eating ballpark chicken tenders recently he said they were the best because they reuse the cooking oil from years on end which may be an urban legend but kind of freaked us out food safety wise (again, Professor, where you at?)

Regardless, it’s always nice to be prepared and BYOS (bring your own snacks) at the park, a concert, or when you travel —- jussssst in case the fare there doesn’t tickle your fancy or come in a timely manner (we’ve all planned on eating lunch “when we land off the plane” only to be held hostage on the runway for a lost suitcase for 4.5 hours… who’s the weirdo extracting a full 7 course meal <tuna included> from her comically oversized bag in row 6? Us, and you’re jealous) 

Anticipating hunger and your needs is part of self care. 

Essentially Yours,
The Essence Team